Few achieve extraordinary destinies, but those few do not serve as the sole source of inspiration or solidarity. That to which we can relate delivers the most...
Nature writing, true crime, history, essays, memoir, and narrative journalism all have this in common: if the writing is not compelling, the reader will put it down.
Beyond video, audio, and photography, writing may be the most powerful way to preserve and share family history. Journalist and speechwriter Stephen Martin shares why.
A book’s backstory is often as interesting as the idea behind the book itself—if not more so. What happens when publishing your book doesn't go to plan?
I have found that, no matter how efficacious the program or credentialed the author, it is a rare thing indeed to find a self-help manuscript that is...
Like any craft, writing has fundamentals that shouldn't be ignored. That said, there's a lot of advice out there... but is it all worth paying attention to?
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