
Category: Publishing Advice

J.R. Moehringer did a public service for ghostwriters when he shared seemingly private details about his working relationship with Prince Harry for his book Spare.
Medical writing is an excellent niche for ghostwriters, as many healthcare providers are eager to publish, but don’t have the time or expertise to craft something themselves....
If you're interested writing a business book, read these five great ones for inspirationa first.
The inaugural U.S. Book Show was an overdue reckoning for publishing’s longest, strangest year, with panel discussions on the issues that continue to reshape the industry.
Following the success of our blog series, Gotham joined forces with United Ghostwriters to present a live webinar.
Phil Simon explores the necessity of thoughtfully deciding on your book's title and subtitle.
With this last installment of our series, we explore in full detail this question of how ghosts can—and cannot—help you achieve your publishing goals.
Real thought leaders write books. That’s the conventional wisdom, at least. But is it as simple as that? Here's what potential authors need to consider.
A book’s backstory is often as interesting as the idea behind the book itself—if not more so. What happens when publishing your book doesn't go to plan?
“So what?” is one of four tests that agents and editors will apply to your book proposal. They want to know—and fast—why this book is unique, and...

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