Category: Free(lance) Advice

The following advice will help you forge a strong, amicable, and productive partnership — whatever side of the margin you are on.
In this post, Phil Simon explains a few of the biggest challenges that he's faced as a scribe over the years.
Most of us freelance writers — with or without a book release — found ourselves up a creek when the pandemic hit.
In reality, we need to be able to trust ourselves enough, and trust what we want to write about, in order to truly see success with our...
Carol Tice is a freelance-writing business coach, freelance writer, book ghostwriter, and blogger. We chatted with Carol about the importance of pivoting your business to survive economic...
“While these are challenging times, like in any crisis, there is opportunity as well.” That was the general consensus from our webinar with speaker brand consultant Mirjana...
If you’re someone who sells your expertise for a living, you probably have a lot to say. You may – or may not – have a bit...
The pandemic has upended most industries, but if you’re a thought leader and/or speaker, you might be particularly prone to panicking right now. With no definite end...
Kevin Maney is a writer and consultant. He selectively works with CEOs and companies on writing projects that give something interesting or important to the world. His...
Exec comms has changed from corporate window-dressing to society-saving work. Are you up for this?

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