How to Refocus and Reinvent Your Strategy to Succeed in an Increasingly Virtual Reality

The pandemic has upended most industries, but if you’re a thought leader and/or speaker, you might be particularly prone to panicking right now. You rely on in-person events and meetings to enhance your brand and expand your platform. With no definite end or live audiences in sight, what can you do to prevent your profile from flatlining — and to adapt to this new normal?
We believe the better question to ask is: how can thought leaders seize the new opportunities this unique moment provides to not only survive, but thrive?
That will be the forward-leaning focus of a conversation we will be hosting on July 29 at 1 p.m. ET about thought leadership’s New Possible with two leading experts in the field — speaker brand consultant Mirjana Novkovic and thought leadership strategist Peter Winick.
We hope you’ll join us. Click here to register.