Category: Ghostwriting Confidential

A TALE OF TWO TRENDS FOR THE WRITING PROFESSION Much like the media and publishing industries we are symbiotically connected to, the writing profession has undergone its...
OUR FINAL INSTALLATION IN THE SERIES IS HERE Throughout our “Ghostwriting Confidential” series, we’ve addressed several prevailing misconceptions among first-time authors, from the cost of ghostwriters’ work to why...
Welcome back to Ghostwriting Confidential, a series we launched in 2021 to educate prospective authors about what it is that ghostwriters do (and don’t do). Our goal:...
WE BREAK DOWN WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW It’s no secret that we at GG are big fans of the democratization of publishing, and in particular, the...
If you have followed our work, it’s no secret that we at GG are big fans of the democratization of publishing, and in particular, the rapidly expanding...
Welcome back to Ghostwriting Confidential, a series we launched in 2021 to educate prospective authors about what it is that ghostwriters do (and don’t do). Our goal:...
Welcome back to Ghostwriting Confidential, a series we launched in 2021 to educate prospective authors about what it is that ghostwriters do (and don’t do) and define,...
In part two of this two part series, Friend of Gotham Toni Robino discusses how to avoid hiring the wrong ghostwriter with editorial director Nate Roberson
In part one of this two part series, Friend of Gotham Toni Robino interviews editorial director Nate Roberson about finding the right ghost match
Following the success of our blog series, Gotham joined forces with United Ghostwriters to present a live webinar.

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