
Featured Writer of the Week: Sherry L. Granader

May 29, 2020

Sherry L. Granader is a ghostwriter who specializes in creating and writing memoirs, business, nutrition, and fitness books. Learn more at sherrywritesforyou.com.

Tell us about your writing journey. When did you know you could make a career out of it, and what was that decision like?

I was living in Palm Springs, California at the time, working as an assistant to the Director of the Spa and Sports Fitness Center at Toscana, a gorgeous community in the desert, teaching a variety of fitness classes, and doing private Pilates training sessions.  The work was wonderful during the winter months, however when spring rolled around, a majority of the residents went back to their other homes in cooler climates for the summer.  It was at that point when I realized I needed to do something else that would allow me to share my knowledge and expertise as a Sports Nutritionist and years of experience owning businesses including 7 McDonald restaurants, 14 World Gyms, and Smoothie Kings in five states.

I was asked to write an article in the health and nutrition field for an online company and chose to write about “Foods For Your Thyroid.” I must have really hit a nerve because I couldn’t believe the response I received and the number of hits per day were endless.  From there, I continued to write more articles that month and did quite well.

It wasn’t long after that when I was asked to ghostwrite my first book on “Alternative Methods of Healing” for a natural medicine doctor who was very pleased with my work.  Immediately, I created a listing on various writing websites and proceeded to get quite a few writing projects.  I loved the work, creating the outline of topics to include for each chapter, research, interviewing authors, and of course, spending time writing books.

Since then, I have ghostwritten over 150 books including 3 on the bestseller list and have now focused more on creating memoirs for authors who want to share their legacy with family, friends and the world.

Where do you get your ideas?

My ideas come from interviewing the author or the person requiring a book. In other words, once I understand how will they use the book, it gives me ideas as to how to build the outline that will meet those needs. Most of the books I write are non-fiction and for doctors who need a book to go along with their practice that is written in layman’s terms, easy-to-read and understand.

What about the best piece of advice for getting published or navigating the publishing process?

Having worked with several publishers over the years, I like to take the author through both the ghostwriting and publishing process. These days, there are many hybrid publishers that offer a variety of services that the author can choose from, and then of course, there is self-publishing.

How do you balance your own projects with your ghostwriting projects?

As a fitness instructor who teaches 5-6 classes per week, I get up around 5-5:30 am and write for at least two hours before stopping to go teach a class.  Since my classes are only one hour, it allows me to stay fit and then get back to my writing, refreshed and ready to tackle more work.

What makes a successful ghostwriter?

My job as a ghostwriter is to make the author look good.  It must be written in their voice and highlight their accomplishments, work, life, and service.

How often do you take on ghostwriting projects? What have you learned from those experiences?

I take on at least 2 book projects at the same time as I find that to be comfortable enough for me to get the work done on time and allows me to be consistent with my work.  I find writing memoirs to be the most enjoyable type of book project of all because I get to know and enjoy sharing the process with the author.

You write nutrition and fitness books—how did you get into this specialization? Any tips for other ghost/writers looking to get into that space?

As a Sports Nutritionist and Nationally Certified Fitness Instructor with over 30 years of experience, I am passionate about health and fitness, which comes across in my writing on those topics. If you are a writer who would like to specialize in that genre, get certified as a Nutritionist or specific area of expertise that will position you as an expert that can write about these topics. Many doctors, scientists, and clinical nutritionists need books to along with their practice.  It is quite rewarding educating people about how to get and stay healthy, lose weight, and enjoy a healthier lifestyle.

Ready to bring your vision to life? Tell us about your project below and we’ll match you with the right writer for the job.



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