Category: Free(lance) Advice

There are two terms writers detest. The first is, “writer’s block”. The second is, “The bar is closing.” In all seriousness, getting stuck is frustrating. Writing is...
Jonathan Merritt is a writer based in New York City. He writes on religion, culture, and politics for The Atlantic, The Week, and is author of several...
Working from home doesn’t have to be less productive than being in the office. As we head into another week of working from home, we thought we’d...
If you're writing for free—or speaking for free—you should be able to say in a sentence or two, what you're getting out of it, or why you've...
Every time you get a chance to have a conversation, grab it with both hands. If you don’t win the work this time around, at least you’ve...
The United States’ gig economy has been undergoing a shift this year. Various state governments are intending to protect their constituents from exploitation with new gig worker...
Book coaches help fiction and nonfiction writers structure their book, define their point, get the words out of their head and onto the page, revise and polish...
It’s now a different world for writers. This is thanks to the combination of self-publishing, and the emergence of a variety of platforms for writers to share...
Ghostwriter Jonathan Rick outlines the four key elements required to craft a compelling and authoritative op-ed.
In this excerpt from a ScriptMag interview, screenwriter Bob Sáenz discusses his first screenwriting gig for a Hallmark movie, which was actually a rewrite of a previous...

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