The role Artificial Intelligence already plays and will continue to play in our lives has been on the minds of plenty of ghosts, so we asked science...
Everyone from Britney Spears to your maid of honor can benefit from professional ghostwriting — and The New York Times recognized that in recent weeks, featuring two...
As LinkedIn becomes increasingly relevant, questions about how to emerge as a thought leader on the platform have been on our clients’ (and millions of other users’)...
Celebration of the Profession Organized by Gotham Ghostwriters and American Society of Journalists and Authors Ghostwriting pros will gather on January 22, 2024, for the first-of-its-kind national...
JOINT STATEMENT FROM AMPLIFY PUBLISHING GROUP AND GOTHAM GHOSTWRITERS ON SCRIBE MEDIA SHUTDOWN Like many of our colleagues in the publishing industry, we were stunned by today’s...
For years, authors told their big ideas and life stories working storytelling experts. Usually, those ghostwriters remained behind the scenes. That's changing.