Become a Gotham Ghost

Calling All Writing Pros

While we are highly selective of our talent, we’re always on the lookout for accomplished new writers who can strengthen our network. If you have experience creating smart content or compelling stories — such as non-fiction books or novels, speeches, blog posts, articles, slide decks, humor writing, or screenplays — we are interested in hearing from you.

Our Process

Our commitment to being a full-service firm extends not just to the forms of writing we do, but also to the way we function. Through our four-step process, we work with you and our writers every step of the way to find the perfect match and to ensure that your final product is resonant, relevant, and effective with your target audience.

Join our Network

We are not currently accepting applications to the Gotham Ghostwriters Writer Network.  

Please note that enrollment in Ghostmasters 101 or other GHOSTMASTERS programs does not confer admission to the Gotham Writers Network.

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Professional Development

In 2024, we are launching a new professional development program designed to help writers gain practical information and the tools they need to successfully start and grow their own ghostwriting practice.

Ghostwriting can offer lucrative opportunities for writers—if they have the right skills and the right mindset.  Offerings will include online courses; 1:1 coaching, conferences, events, and other resources. 

Watch this space for more information.


Word-of-mouth referrals are the lifeblood of our business. If you meet a client who you don’t have the bandwidth for, or who needs services outside of your skill set, please introduce them to us. If it results in a successful collaboration, we will pay you 10% of our net proceeds from the engagement as a referral fee.

Our Fans

Our writers’ satisfaction with our diverse clients, rewarding projects, matchmaking abilities, and the ongoing support we give them throughout the life cycle of a project makes us proud. Here’s what some of our writers have to say about Gotham.

Gotham Ghostwriters introduced me to one of my most valued clients, with whom I have been working steadily for over eight years now. And Gotham has given me the opportunity to meet with other writers who have become important sources of connections and advice. I happily recommend working with them.

One of the most challenging things about being a speechwriter is finding new people to work with, and getting access to interesting opportunities. Gotham has a diverse network of clients and offers you the chance to work on compelling projects. When you put your name in the mix, they do everything to support you — and more — so you know the project is set up for success.

Freelance speechwriters once were lost, and now are found. Mostly, thanks to Gotham Ghostwriters, which has in less than a decade rounded up the best writers on one hand, to match them thoughtfully with the best clients, on the other. GG is good for all of us.

I’ve worked with Dan and his team for several years now, and they’ve been nothing but helpful, supportive, communicative. Best of all, they’re aggressive: Rather than let the gigs come to them, they go to the gigs, and that’s exactly what we freelance writers need — an ally.

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