Category: Free(lance) Advice

This week's featured writer is Sue Treiman, who became a storyteller at nine, when she sent unsolicited scripts to popular television shows. And she hasn't stopped since....
Whether you’re authoring your own book, penning an article, or ghostwriting on behalf of someone else, it’s vital to back your work with strong, credible and verifiable...
Tax season is never a dull moment for freelancers. And this year brings a particularly notable new wrinkle: the 20 percent pass-through deduction for small businesses that...
Every year, the Professional Speechwriting Association surveys our members—on job satisfaction, on salary trends, on trends and concerns in the business. This year, we asked simply, “What...
The company is advertising for a writing job, but it lets HR goons write the job description. And so the company seeks a writer who is a...
Content marketing is a way to drive traffic to your site, get leads, and generate business, right? Well, sure. But if that’s all it is, it’s just...
This piece originally appeared on Medium.  Story vs Narrative. This one distinction forms the basis of all our workshops, client work, and even my next book in...
Both potential clients and fellow ghostwriters are uncertain about ghostwriting fees.  Clients always want to know what the ranges are.  Fellow ghostwriters always feel they are not...
At a Professional Speechwriters Association seminar in Chicago last week, another speechwriter asked me: How do I animate and effervesce my wooden, flat speaker? Bring in a speaking coach, I...
“What am I going to write about?” That’s the content marketer’s constant challenge. In fact, the number of sources is endless. You just have to have the...

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