Announcing the Help Another Writer Out Campaign (#HAWO)

April 5, 2020

In this moment of economic crisis, we are seeing the freelance writing community respond with its typical reciprocity and generosity. Across the web writers are sharing jobs and gigs on private Facebook groups, list-servs, and other online hubs where different constellations of writers congregate.

To help promote and elevate these efforts, and make the information more widely and readily available, Gotham Ghostwriters is launching a campaign today we’re calling Help Another Writer Out (#HAWO) — a very conscious tribute to our pioneering friends at Help A Reporter Out (HARO).

We have created a new public Facebook Group that will serve as a basic clearinghouse for freelance writing and editing opportunities outside our agency’s purview. Writers will be able to post information about gigs themselves with contact info for applicants to follow up on. And the link for the group will be easily shareable via social media, email, and other online channels.

To be respectful of writers’ time and value, we are asking contributors to the #HAWO group to only share PAID opportunities for professionals. No freebies. And no posts about other topics, no matter how helpful they may seem.

We are doing this as a free public service in support of our mission of championing great writing and great writers. Gotham Ghostwriters will not be charging any fees or taking any kind of cut.

To drive traffic to the #HAWO Group, we will be promoting the campaign on Twitter and other social channels throughout this week.

We would ask our friends in the editorial and publishing communities to help spread the word by sharing our tweets and posts. And, if you come across a paid opportunity for writers, please post it to the group! HAWO’s success will depend on all of us contributing writing opportunities as we see them.

Thanks in advance for your consideration on this. Together we can leverage the network effect to help some of our fellow writers stay afloat in this challenging moment.



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